Privacy Policy

Data Collection

DevSitter collects email addresses from users, which are necessary for account creation and communication, including updates and news about the project. We do not collect IP address information. When analyzing repositories, we collect data on the scan timing and the repository scanned, including the programming languages and frameworks used. We prioritize the privacy of our users and do not collect any information about the specifics of the code implementations.

Use of Data

We primarily use the collected data for code analysis. Additionally, with user consent, we utilize information about the technologies used to deliver personalized job offers based on programming languages and technologies employed by the user.

Data Storage

All data is securely stored on Hetzner's servers, which are renowned for their high standards of security and reliability. Hetzner Online GmbH is a professional web hosting provider and experienced data center operator based in Germany.

Data Sharing

We do not currently share any collected data with third parties.

User Rights

Users have the option to use both the free and paid versions of the application. They can opt-out of receiving our newsletter and can choose to receive personalized job offers aligned with their skills.